Monday, 19 September 2011

Scentsy Convention

The Scentsy convention held 18th-20th August was an attitude changing event for me.

For the first time I was able to meet the co-owners of Scentsy, Heidi and Orville Thompson, who are genuinely warm, caring people.  They ate with us, and sat on long after the meal was over, talking to people who wanted to talk. They answered all of our questions openly and honestly, explaining some of the hitherto perplexing decisions the company seems to have made in their UK launch. Most of the reasons have to do with mad EU laws, so we can't blame Scentsy for any seemingly wacky decisions.

The training was first class, with none of the American hoopla and whooping (thankfully!). Both Heidi and Orville and their staff took individual training sessions, which were invaluable to all who attended the convention.

We were able to preview all of the new season's products and were given samples of many of them to take home.

Orville's speech which closed the convention was the most inspirational I have ever heard. And not just about Scentsy unusually for this type of event. He spoke about the need to live life from an attitude of gratitude instead of entitlement and how doing so can change your life for the better. Something that resonated very deeply with everybody in the room, myself included.

So, here I am back home and trying to grow my business. But with a new attitude. I'm grateful for every customer I have, for every new customer I will meet and for those that will become friends, and I'm grateful for the chance to have a business with such a low start up cost. But mostly I'm grateful to be part of the Scentsy family, the most authentic company I've every come across.

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